Anti Racism

  • We are a site that has zero tolerance for racism.
  • We condemn all hate groups. Black white or other.
  • If any hate group supports us, copies, links, posts or shares any content from this website we condemn those groups and their actions.

Why is this Anti Racism a heading?

Conservatives feel persecuted by liberal groups and organizations. Racism is a major topic in America. It’s shaping school, business and political policies. But as a conservative we have no voice. From most of our experience, while discussing topics involving race, we can’t express opinions that differ from the media agenda. If so, we are labeled as racist.

Anybody involved in moderating comments, volunteering, or working with, or any of it’s affiliates must take the Conservaphobia pledge.

We are a 100% peaceful organization. We believe in the right of free speech and lawful assemblies that are non violent and do not destroy property.